Etheric implants and Entities are essentially small energy devices that are not able to be seen by the naked eye and are placed energetically in your auric field or different areas of your energy bodies.
Most cases they are devices, however, implants seem to evolve and change over time. Etheric Implants have the main objective of lowering your energy frequency to keep you in a lower state of consciousness. Implants are generally easy to remove as well.
Signs Of Etheric Implants And What They Are Capable Of
• Draining energy or information from you. You may begin to feel unusually tired or your thoughts become foggy or clouded.
• Manipulating your thoughts to be negative. You could suddenly start experiencing fear or uncertainty that wasn’t there the day before.
• Suicidal and depressing thoughts. One day you are fine then the next day you wake up with some really dark thoughts. If this occurs and you were happy and everything was great the day before, this could be an implant.
• Manipulating your emotions to be negative
• Blocking your intuition or your abilities
• Changing your beliefs
• Feeling blocked or feeling like there is interference in your spiritual work.
• Energy blocks. Sometimes these are placed in your energy meridians and stop the flow of energy there.
• Physical issues such as pains and other strange physical manifestations that are not normal for you.
How Do Etheric Implants Become Lodged And Where Do They Come From?
There are many ways the attacks can come. Most of the time they can enter while we are sleeping in our dreams.
Some implants are there from past lives too. Your Energy or frequency whatever little you apply to it may be at a very low level and that gives the etheric implants the port hole to enter your spiritual body.
Other implants are said to be placed inside us the second we incarnate into this world at birth. Others are from different times in our lives so they may have been there for a good amount of years.
How Can You Prevent Etheric Implants?
Build up protection by imagining a mirror around your body and placing a loving light on the inside of the mirror with a violet flame You can also ask your higher self, guides, archangels, or ascended masters to help protect you from attacks . And while you’re sleeping you can imagine using a blues quartz crystal above the bed. Hold on to it and pull it over both sides of the bed encapsulating you into a cocoon, like a caterpillar before it turns into a butterfly with the protection around it.
Initially, we have a chat, then we create a three step plan.
The Three Step Plan
1) Establishing issues using the hologram and tuning into the energy field.
2) Working on the emotions or story that are attached to the issue. Returning to work with the energy field and establish the type of energy trapped in the organs of the body, releasing those energies. Etheric implants are energy systems that is a blockage within body energy field breaking contracts.
3) Hypnotherapy will reprogram and create a positive mind set, confidence and embed any suggestions to create a better future.