About me

Hi, I’m Andy and I live in Shropshire. I’ve always had a fascination in healing and have known that there is something more out there that we connect with.

This has been shown to me by various Psychic Mediums, which we are all one with Consciousness. I find this very fascinating.

Consciousness is a healer, a teacher, a guide, an advisor and a friend. This friendship has taught me one main teaching in my life, that I AM CONSCIOUSNESS and I am ONE WITH EVERYTHING.

I bet you are wondering how I have come into knowing this truth? I have read different books from different Authors:

i.e. Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Greg Braden, Lao Tzu, Mooji, Joe Dispenza, Alan Watts, Neale Donald Walsch, A Course In Miracles – Helen Schucman

I have meditated over the years. Sometimes it has been really uncomfortable, where I have had to sit and be. I have felt the energy field change and this has helped me to be grounded, realise who I truly am, to become a service to those that are ready and need it and to put myself into uncomfortable situations, so that the trust and the belief assist with my growth in spirituality. This has helped me to serve to the greatest and higher good.
It’s been very difficult to put into words and this energy field that I have developed is also received and felt in those who I help heal. They also find it very difficult to put into words too, but have a knowing that something good has happened.

“I say to you, he who believes in oneself, the works that I do, he will do also.”

“To know yourself, is to know the way, the truth and the life.”

Through working with my partner, we can achieve massive shifts through working side by side through source and being servants to anything with Gods consciousness within it.

We are all so special and unique. It is my deepest desire to help you move beyond the confines of your own limiting perceptions. Let me assist you in clearing the physical, emotional and mental blocks within yourself so that you can become the best version of the “I AM” of yourself.

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You can have distance healing session if you require help, contact me

Mission statement

Welcome, Brothers & Sisters to Frequency 101

You are a key part of the Universe and you have abilities to create your present moment. During your experience with Frequency 101, you are connected to the higher realms, where all your insecurities, labels, dreams and all your beliefs of the illusion you live in is released from you.

Things that don't serve you anymore will be removed to the deepest CELLULAR level of your CONSCIOUSNESS. Anything that does serve your soul to the deepest soul level, will stay with you and serve your highest being of CONSCIOUSNESS, to assist you with your healing and process of being the true SPIRITUAL being.

As you experience this SACRED SILENCE HEALING, your life will transform and your truth will begin & shine through you.

BEING ONE throughout experiencing who you truly ARE and standing strong in your truth and serving your fellow SPIRITUAL BROTHER'S and SISTERS and changing the frequencies that are within you, your life will never be the same again as you look and realise how POWERFUL you truly are.

YOUR intention is YOU CREATING healing for yourself and as you heal yourself, you are healing your Mind, Body and Spirit.